KENTA HAYASHI -a.k.a Loop Pedal Ninja-
3rd EP -The Flavor From The Oasis-
1. The Flavor From The Oasis
2. Sparkling Fly
3. The Rain In The Secret Garden
4. Snow Patrol
5. Choosing The Blue
6. Drill
視聴リンク/To listen (Official Website)
*Please scroll down for English
心地よいメロディーと切れ味の良いビート が混ざり合い生み出された曲たちは、
KENTA HAYASHIにしか表現出来ないユニークな深みと異国感を醸し出している。
Guest Musician
佐久間 誠一from digda (drums on track 1.& 3.& 4.& 5.)
Victoria Ashley Bailey from digda (vocals on track 1.)
谷澤 智文 (noises on track 2.)
BLACKUR0 (vocals on track 3.)
Art Work by Kuri Emi
KENTA HAYASHI -a.k.a. 444Hz Loop Pedal Ninja-
Sofar London’15やFUJI ROCK FESTIVAL ’16はその中でも印象深く、Rollingstone誌でFUJIROCK’16おすすめ邦楽アーティスト5選に選ばれ話題を呼んだ。
18歳で単身渡米、ハリウッドで結成したファンクロックバンドFOUR MINUTES TIL MIDNIGHTは世界の数々のバンドバトルで優勝、アルバムにはアースウィンドファイヤーのキーボードLarry Dunnや世界一のパーカッショニストと名高いLenny Castroが参加。レッチリのFleaから直接助言を受けアルバム制作をした事でも話題を呼んだ。日本でもUsenインディーズチャート1位獲得。ニルバーナのトリビュートアルバムNevermind Tributeにも参加した。
KENTA HAYASHI -a.k.a Loop Pedal Ninja-
3rd EP -The Flavor From The Oasis-
This is the first album Kenta created with various electronic sounds.
Sharp beats and intimate melodies made the endless sonic possibilities of unique mixture electronica.
additional musicians
Seiichi Sakuma from digda (drums on track 1.& 3.& 4.& 5.)
Victoria Ashley Bailey from digda (vocals on track 1.)
Tomofumi Tanizawa (noises on track 2.)
BLACKUR0 (vocals on track 3.)
Lyrics & Music by KENTA HAYASHI
All the songs are written, played, produced, recorded and mixed by KENTA HAYASHI at home studio
Mastered by Mitsukazu Tanaka at Studio ATLIO
KENTA HAYASHI - a.k.a. 444Hz Loop Pedal Ninja -
“444Hz tuning. Japanese singer-songwriter and loop pedal ninja KENTA HAYASHI takes the term ‘one man band’ to the next level, creating an orchestra of sound by layering vocals, guitar, effects and percussion. The result is a fusion of psychedelic dubbed out journeys surrounded by soundscapes and an overtone of harmonies on a rhythmic foundation - all created live by Kenta through the use of his loop pedal.”
Kenta focuses on the vibration of music. The vibrations he creates resonate with the natural frequency of the water in our bodies, 444Hz, like a healing meditational process.
Kenta's live show is full of epic tension and release. Big layered build ups and sparse breakdowns with trance-like grooves.
KENTA HAYASHI has been on his World Tour with many shows and festivals through out the year. (over 200 shows a year)
(26 countries so far in 2017 Europe, U.K, Australia, Asia, America, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala)
Kenta also produces electronic music as he travels the world, he records various sounds (different languages, nature sounds, noises, etc), samples, combining the powerful energy of his live performance with the endless sonic possibilities of electronic production.
It’s called Atnek.