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渥美幸裕 邦楽2.0シリーズ第一弾「Japanese Guitar Song Book」発売決定!!!
奈良時代、 江戸時代、明治時代、昭和時代の曲のカヴァーと平成現代の渥美自身による
生み出した新しい日本音楽のメソッド 『邦楽2.0』 を起用し
This new album, composed by the collaboration of cover songs from the period of Nara, Edo, Meiji, Showa, Heisei and newly written songs by Yukihiro Atsumi, was recorded at Kura Studio of the Goemon Residence in Kyoto, where he has moved his base from Tokyo three years ago, with the new method of Japanese music generated from “Hogaku 2.0”.
Played with the guitar only, the expression that is full of the scenes is the best part to listen.
Songs from each period has been reborn with the “Hogaku 2.0”. It is new and original but you feel nostalgia as well. Listening each songs period by period, you will see the transition of Japanese music.
This is a history book of music – a Japanese music’ historical literature.
Japanese Guitar Song Book - Release in August 2016.
▶︎「Japanese Guitar Song Book」16bit44.1khz
▶︎「Japanese Guitar Song Book」24bit48khz
▶︎Title list
1. しだれ桜 / Shidare Zakura
2. 纏う/ Matou (Wear it)
3. 六段の調 初段変奏 /Rokudan Shodan Variation
4. 日出ずるしい / Hizurushii (the Sun's dazzling)
5. 水龍の一滴 / A Drop of Water Dragon
6. 花 / Hana
7. 閃きの花 / A flower of Sparks
8. デイドリームビリーバー / Daydream Believer (TIMERS Cover)*Bonus track (JAPAN only)
9. さくら さくら / Sakura Sakura
10. 権現三変奏曲 / The Gongen 3 Variations
11. 越天楽 / Etenraku
NIPPON NOTE RECORDS(NNR)は渥美幸裕から世界中の何処かに住むあなたへ直接音楽作品をお届けします。
NIPPON NOTE RECORDS (NNR) will directly deliver the music by Atsumi Yukihiro to you who lives in somewhere in this world.