Stone Garden/*16bit44.1khz/Next World Satellite Tracks
現在、音源購入者の方には、ご購入して頂いた音源のmp3(192kbps)バージョンをプレゼント中。音質の聴き比べやiPhone / iPod等でデータを持ち運ぶのにお使い下さい。
Currently, if you buy a sound source, you are also able to get the one`s mp3 version as a gift. Please enjoy it with iPhone/iPod, and compare the quality of the sounds.
渥美幸裕 -Atsumi Yukihiro- のTrack making project "Next World Satellite Tracks" から「Stone Garden」16bit44.1khz(NIPPONNOTE RECORDS)リリース!!
▶︎楽曲試聴/Audio preview URL:http://www.atsumiyukihiro.net/nnrmd.html
「Stone Garden」24bit48khzも販売中
▶︎Stone Garden
Written by Atsumi Yukihiro
All tracks created & Mixed by Atsumi Yukihiro
Brief Commentary of the song from Atsumi Yukihiro
The song was written in 2012 in the image of stone garden like Karesansui. I used the groove of the portable shrine for the beat of the song.
▶︎Next World Satellite Tracks
This project is for delivering the track work by Atsumi Yukihiro. This world is only expressed by the Speaker music that cannot be imitated by any others. He tries to create the groove and sound that he feels something new, and completed all of the parts from mixing, recording, and performance, with his hands and ears.
Written by Atsumi Yukihiro
All tracks created & Mixed by Atsumi Yukihiro
▶︎▶︎About the Sound quality / 再生環境・音質について
NNRでは曲ごとに16bit 44.1khz / 24bit 48khz (wav) の2種類の音質を用意しています。16bit 44.1khz は所謂CDの音質です。それに比べ24bit 48khz のwav音源は、より音質が透き通り身体を通り抜ける様な響きの印象です。
※ 24bit 48khzは、データ容量が大きいのでPC上かハイレゾ再生機でのみの再生が可能です。
NNR provides two types of the sound quality which are 16 bit 44.1 khz and 24 bit 48 khz (wav). 16 bit 44.1 khz is equal to the sound of regular CD. On the other hand, 24 bit 48 khz has clearer, higher resolution and more three dimensional sound than 16 bit 44.1 khz. With this, you would still feel comfortable listening to the large volume since the sound can embrace you. 24 bit 48 khz version can only play with PC or a high resolution playback machine because the amount of the data is large. Depends on the situation, you can choose which once you want to. Now, the NNR tracks are specially mixed for each situation, such as for house hold speaker, sound system with subwoofer, or headphone, etc. This allows you to enjoy music with any sound system and comfortable volume.
*wavデータ形式上の問題で、ダウンロードして頂いた音源をお使いのPCに搭載させれたプレーヤー (iTunes等) で開いた場合、楽曲名のみが反映されます。アーティスト名とアルバム名はご自身で編集して頂きますようお願い致します。この問題を改善するサービスが見つかり次第反映させて参ります。あらかじめご了承ください。
With the problem of the wav data style, you can only get the name of music when you open the file with the player (iTunes, etc.) after the download. You need to edit the name of artist and album by yourself. We apologize this inconvenience, and will be trying to solve this as soon as we find the new system.
NIPPON NOTE RECORDS(NNR)は渥美幸裕から世界中の何処かに住むあなたへ直接音楽作品をお届けします。
NIPPON NOTE RECORDS (NNR) will directly deliver the music by Atsumi Yukihiro to you who lives in somewhere in this world.